Travel documents

Travel documents and how to obtain visas

Travel documents are very important when traveling abroad, so you have to be careful. They are the most crucial identification documents that you will need during your trip. To enter and leave the country you are visiting, it is essential to have the correct papers, a passport and, depending on where you are going, a visa. The essential travel documents are therefore:

  1. Passport (is required for foreign travel and is presented at the border if the visiting country does not have provisions allowing incoming citizens to use other identity documents).
  2. Identity card or driving license
  3. Health map and vaccine map (see countries that still require the COVID-19 vaccine)
  4. Travel insurance 

(Individuals living in Schengen countries can move freely without border controls).

To check your travel documents and obtain a visa, you can rely on this platform:

Things you need to know about the visa:

  1. A visa is a label or stamp affixed to the passport and required at embassies, consulates or upon entry to the destination country, which allows its holder to legally enter a foreign state. 
  2. The time it takes to get it can be quite long, so it is good to go ahead and know all the details of the document you need.
  3. The visa is valid for a certain period and for specific purposes.
  4. There are 3 types of visas: airport transit, short stay with one or more entries of up to 90 days and long stay with one or more entries of more than 90 days.
  5. Each country has different regulations defining the type of entry visa. That is why they issue authorizations for specific categories of travelers: tourist visa, work visa, journalist visa, study visa, mission visa, invitation visa, sports competition visa.